People of all races holding hands around the world

In and through Community lies the salvation of the world… It is our task and yours to sell the world on love.

M. Scott Peck, The Different Drum

Greetings!  You’ve reached the website of Richard Andersen, M.A. (Sahmat to his friends), sometimes called “The Community Guy”, and the non-profit Alliance for Global Community, a global network of individuals and groups dedicated to “saving the world” by spreading the experience of true Community or “Common-unity” everywhere.  What we mean by “Common-unity” is a deep sustained Sense of Community.  When a group shares Common-unity together, they experience a state of deep shared love, joy, and peace that tops any other group experience.

If you’ve not already done so, please watch the short video below.  It will introduce you to the free Common-unity Skills Workshops offered by the Alliance for Global Community, and tell you how you can get the free book “Skills for Global Common-unity” offered by the Alliance for Global Community. It will explain more about Common-unity and how spreading it throughout the world by learning Common-unity skills can eliminate major sources of global suffering.

4 Truths of Common-Unity


Sahmat brought a dynamic so true and raw in honesty about the planet’s current cultural conditions… After attending Sahmat’s workshop I felt that what Earth needs for her integrity is in the grasp of humans and I became passionate about upholding it everywhere I find myself. These times of ecosystem and planetary level shifting take cultural healers like Sahmat to be doulas as we birth communal processes of communication. He offers workshops to any who commit to fostering the spirit of community.


When Sahmat visited our English Writing class last fall, he wowed us with his well-organized, community-building presentation.  Sahmat discussed the state (or statelessness) of community in our society’s major institutions. His informed and well-delivered presentation – complete with posters and charts–generated many thoughtful questions that morning, as well as future discussions. Sahmat deserves to be heard; he is kind, intelligent, compassionate, and joyful – indeed, a joy to meet. You’d do well to hear his case for community building.

Sherif Abdelkarim, Graduate Student and Writing Instructor, Department of English, University of Virginia

Free Common-Unity Skills Workshops

Our Common-Unity Skills workshops teach you the relational and cooperative skills that will help you maintain a deep sense of community in any group. These skills include Speaking from the Heart, Listening from the Heart, Letting Go of Biases, Consensus Decision-making, Conflict Resolution, Win/Win Competition, and Coop Business Development. We can offer both the mini-workshops and the full weekend workshops anywhere in the world, either for an existing organization/group or as a public workshop open to anyone. We offer the workshops without a fee but do accept donations to cover costs. These workshops should be especially helpful to individuals and groups seeking to start an intentional community or revitalize an existing one.

Free Book

My book Skills for Global Common-Unity will be available free later in 2019. You can get the Introduction (which summarizes the book) free right now. Just supply your email address below and I’ll send you the Introduction:

    You can contact Richard (Sahmat) directly at .

    Dozens of people holding hands around a tree in the forest